We, the Founders of the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) , as humans of this world called planet Earth, citizens of various sovereign nations, brought together through our vision of better living conditions for all people, and through our will to create a new environment of respect, freedom, privacy, security, and quality, decided to establish the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN).


We, the Founders of the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) , realized that our planet currently is facing several challenges. While the leaders and representatives of the people in the different sovereign countries do what they think is the best to overcome these challenges, we believe that an additional sovereign entity, free from any historical ties, can be a vital part of shaping the future of our planet Earth.


We, the Founders of the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) , believe that the full power shall be in the hands of all citizens, framed by a constitution that consists of at least the following core values and human rights: respect, freedom, privacy, security, quality, unity, family, charity, transparency, peace, education, health, nutrition, participation, innovation, and solutions.

These human rights, core values, as well as additional rules, terms, and laws, shall be organized in 16 Constitutional Pillars. The 16 pillars shall be represented by 16 SUN Councils. Every SUN citizen shall have the right to participate in one or more or all councils. Councils discuss, develop, and suggest. All decisions are made through polls where each citizen has one vote. Any decision needs the majority of participating citizens (50%+1 vote) to be valid for all citizens.


Therefore, to create a sovereign hub of peace, freedom, and innovation, we establish today the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) and declare our Sovereignty. The same way we respect all other sovereign entities on planet Earth, we expect to be respected as sovereign as well. Additionally, we strive for being acknowledged as a sovereign entity by as many other sovereign entities as possible.

The Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) owns no land; thus, we are a digital nation that can be reached on the Internet at www.unicornnation.digital.

May the Sovereign Unicorn Nation (SUN) become a beacon of light, creating positive innovations for the betterment of all in the SUN and all people around the planet.

3-23-23 at 2:32 (UTC)

The Founding Citizens of SUN

© 2023 - 2025 Sovereign Unicorn Nation